LAW 283 Technology Instructions
The Crestron panel at the lectern controls the room functions. Touch the screen anywhere to open the system, then select the source you would like to use. This activates the screen and projector.
If using the PC, make sure it is on inside the cabinet at the bottom.
If using a laptop, plug into HDMI cable. Plug in additional USB cable for connectivity to cameras/mics. Adapters may be needed with Mac devices.
The Document Camera is located in the drawer on the right of the lectern.
To adjust the camera and microphone settings, press the “more controls” button.
To switch between cameras, select camera 1, 2, or 3 on the left and then “send to PC”. The zoom, pan, tilt, and preset controls will then adjust the shot.
To control the microphones in the room, select “Audio controls” below camera controls.
You can then slide the mic options to the left or right to find the correct mic. “Lectern mic” is near the middle, and can be unmuted, raised or lowered. The wireless mics 1-4 are at the end of the options and can be controlled in the same way. Bench mics 1-9 can also be controlled from here, with the mic closest to the lectern being 1.
The “room controls” button allows you to turn on/off the projector and screen once the system has already started.