1. Click this link first: Service Catalog : RWU Technology
* Students will log in via the SSO, (Single Sign on page)
2. Click on “Request A Service”
3. In the next window, scroll down to “Equipment Loan - General and Reserved” and click on that.
4. You will see all General Equipment items , (which is the walk up non reserved items for all University students and staff).
* The Jour students will also be able to see what they have access to.
Click on the equipment button and enter in the start and end dates in the form and hit ”Place Request”
The Student Borrowing Policies
▪ Requests must be made at least 24 hours before the equipment is needed.
▪ Be sure to bring your ID card.
▪ Equipment must be picked up and dropped off at the Media Services desk in the library. (Students will be notified via email from the ticketing system when the equipment is ready for pick up).
▪ Hours of operation: Monday-Thursday 7:30am-9pm Fridays 7:30am-5pm.
▪ Loan period is 14-business day maximum; there are no automatic renewals, plan accordingly.
(We encourage communication from the borrowing students/ Faculty by responding to the confirmation emails to let us know if they need more time to pick up or drop off as a courtesy)
Also, make sure Students/Faculty are checking spam folders if they are not seeing the emails.
When picking up the equipment from the Media Services desk, you will be instructed to look through the components of the kit to confirm all is there.
Before you leave the desk, be sure to review that each item in the list is inside the kit and check that the batteries are charged.
When you return the equipment to the Media Services desk, be sure that you deleted all files from the memory card and archived what you need for the course in your own external drive.
Allow ample time for the return: you must stay at the desk while the staff check that all the gear is in the kit.
Return all gear on deadline to avoid charges for replacement of the gear or termination of borrowing privileges.
You are responsible for the safe use and return of all the gear borrowed on your library card. The Bursar will charge you the replacement cost of equipment you fail to return or damage.