Bridges Login
1. Navigate to Bridges
2. Click on "RWU Login"
3. If you are alre
How to Copy Content from One Course to Another (i.e., Import from Site)
1. In Bridges, navigate to the course site where you would like to copy the content i
How to Republish a Bridges course
Bridges courses are automatically unpublished 60 days after the end date of the course.
How to share out a Zoom recording link in Bridges manually
If you are not using the Zoom in Bridges tool, or you would like to distribute your recor
How to reset a Zoom recording in Zoom Cloud recordings in Bridges
If you do not see a recording you have made in the Cloud Recordings area of your Br
How to Access Language Placement Exam in Bridges
1. Visit the LANG.PLCMNT-25/FA Bridges site to access the placement exam. P
Bridges Photo Roster Information
Why are we bringing photos into Bridges Profiles?
We are bringing phot
How to Access Diversity and Inclusion Summer Institute Application Site in Bridges
Visit the Diversity and Inclusion Summer Institute Application Site to access the
How to publish a course
When created, Bridges courses are automatically set to an "unpublished" state.
Qualtrics Support
All RWU users with an 0365 account have access to Qualtrics
To log in to our Qualtr